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  • Zodiark [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I played Ezreal and once sniped three other players with my ult.

    The Ult passed and killed Lux in the Mid Lane, passing through and killing Yi chasing my dying jungler Amumu, and finally slaying Teemo on Top Lane. We got top and mid towers because of it.

    Another moment was when I was playing as Teemo, all of our towers were down, and all of theirs was too. All enemies had bulked up with hp/tank armor and were barely being held back by my team. I teleport to my shroom near their base. Flash over the wall, go to their enemy Nexus. At this point the Blue Team is 1/4th their way through our Nexus Hp, but I had Teemo, Nashor's Tooth, Rageblade, Wit's End, and Rabadon's Deathcap. I approach their Nexus and destroy it within 5 seconds.

    Our Nexus had about 500 hp left. It was a close win, come from behind miracle shit.

    That Triple Kill and Backdoor Teemo moment was really cool that the experience is seared into my mind.

    This was in 2015. I haven't play anymore since 2017, but those moments are what gets players hooked.

    Just have fun, and stay at or below Gold.