Serious. I've struggled with learning a second language in school and want some advice on how best to learn one as an adult so I can flee this hellish country before they outlaw my existence next year

Cuba is about the only place I can think of that I'd want to move to and contribute towards, though I doubt its easy for crackers like me to immigrate

  • thisonethatone [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Here is my serious advice on how to learn Spanish.

    1. Immersion.
    • Play Spanish streaming TV on youtube.
    • Listen to spanish talk radio. -If you're feeling bold, set your phone language to spanish.
    1. Use these sites: - Dreaming Spanish. Excellent stuff for when you have a little vocabulary under your belt. - Language transfer. Another great, and free option. Best to use both in tandem.

    1. Apps, optional.

    Apps are a mixed bag. I use DuoLingo and Busuu because it helps me to have a daily reminder to practice. That way I get at least 30 minutes a day. Busuu is better than duolingo, but duolingo is more gamified and fun. A mixed bag.

    1. Talk with people.

    Discord has plenty of language exchange servers, and I'm sure there are comrades here that would be willing to help exchange with you. Latin people are incredibly warm and love to practice, and they'll appreciate your english knowledge as well.

    Learning Spanish has been a delight. The more I've learned, the more the world and fresh perspectives have opened up.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Thanks for these resources, I'm trying to learn Spanish as well. I got some background in French and Latin so I can kinda stumble through written Spanish but spoken, with accent, and I'm fully gringo mode.