Anyone who lifts knows how much it sucks to stay natty. Like for real I can bench press 100 kilos for 5 reps but it took me like 10 years of lifting weights on an off to get there. Feelsbadman when u compare urself to the tiktok sarm goblins and realize u could have a 405 bench by now if u just blasted off years ago. Oh well tho. I want to blast off so bad I just don’t have the money for it right now.
As they say: "The day you start lifting is the day you make yourself forever small, for you will never be as big as you want to be."
I agree that anyone who's been lifting for multiple years has thought about it. I definitely have. In times like these I try to ask myself and remember why I started this in the first place and what I want out of this long term.
Maybe you'll never be as big as some of the TikTok or Instagram stars but unless your goal in life is to be one of those some point you've got to stop worrying about it. If you've been lifting 10 years naturally you're probably stronger and healthier by a country mile than the average person and there's huge diminishing returns anyway in either aesthetics or strength levels.
The only valid reason to take steroids and peds is if your career and livelihood depends on it. For everyone else: focus on being healthy mentally as well as physically.
Maybe peds could make you a bit stronger or more shredded...but like genuinely ask yourself....spiritually or materially: what are either of those things worth to you weighed against the potential consequences.