• Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    4 months ago

    Fair, sorry working retail with petite bough customers and CHUD coworkers just puts me in a sour mood for solidarity.

    • GinAndJuche
      4 months ago

      I feel you so much on this. I find the most heinously inconsiderate bullshit almost every day. A half empty wine cup placed on the shelf in an unsteady manner, people just rummaging through the shelf I got all nice and organized, opened packaging (not even stolen, I can respect theft) that I have to run damages for now, and it goes on and on. Am I the only person who thinks it wrong to fuck up somebodies workplace just because they don’t have a choice in unfucking if they want to stay employed?

      The majority of Americans seem to be less mannered than actual hogs because at least it’s meant to be in the hogs nature that it’s dirty and a pain to be around.

      • Hatandwatch [she/her, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Hey now hogs are very clean and smart animals. They only roll in mud to cool off. And like any other animal in captivity (including humans) they only become filthy when given no other choice. Don't give into the propaganda animal ag has spread!

        • GinAndJuche
          4 months ago

          Ok, I wouldn’t want one in my workplace either way.

          On second thought, it might be an improvement.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Feel this. Live in a really rural community. People I work with are ok but I have to commute 30 minutes south and most of them commute 15 minutes north froma a city.

      When people ask me why I don't do more to organize in my community it's because if you get more than like 3 of the average people from around her together they'll just start telling each other jokes where the punchline is a slur and then start talking about how minorities (none of which live within 30 miles of them) have it so easy compared to middle aged white men. Then talk about how the democrats are going to make it illegal to eat hamburgers and they're going to take away your boot jacks.

      My circle of acquaintances are basically the only decent people in town and I do volunteer where I can but it's pretty disheartening to be working at a meal site, give somebody their food and they respond "hopefully Trump wins because if that commie Biden wins he'll give all this food away to a bunch of slurs who don't want to work."

      • Ivysaur@lemmygrad.ml
        4 months ago

        Yeah. I grew up in rural midwest and then deep south for college and I never once felt a lick of solidarity with any white male (or female for that matter) coworker for almost precisely these reasons. I am starting to think this Sakai fella was on to something. The pockets of organized activism in these places- which are really quite the norm in most of the US, to be clear- were very much a fairy-tale level exception. This is also why I scoff hearing so many who seem to think we ought to extend any effort toward them; call me a bad communist doomer idiot but there is no helping so many of these people, if you could even get them to listen in the first place. The class interest of the average american is that of the Übermensch, and it's all in the DNA of the country's foundation itself. I don't think people especially not from the rural US understand just how vile the toxin of typical America really is and how deep it all bleeds. Our heritage is racist, violent, and of undue exceptionalism, and they will not give it up willingly; believe me, I've tried.

        • Adkml [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Yea my last boss was about the dumbest fox New Maga asshole youncould imagine, I mean would stop at job sites and talk with his friends for 45 minutes at the end of the day about whatever fox told them to be mad about that day.

          Near us is a big vacation destination in the summer with a hotel that's booked all summer so it's almost impossible to rent a place because everybody just rents them as air bnbs all summer. Had a couple friends who had to move because their landlord just told them they weren't renewing the lease and they had to get out.

          So the town passed a law saying that you could do rentals for less than a month to try to Crack down on it.

          My old boss insisted it was the hotel buying out the politicians so they didn't have any competition. I really tried to patiently explain that wasn't it, the hotel was already totally full all summer so they didn't need more business and it was almost impiss8ble to actually find a place to rent. He told me that made sense.

          Then 30 minutes later one of his racist friends came in and my boss was smugly telling him about how the hotel bride the local politicians so they wouldn't have any competition.

          His business shut down shortly after he started putting a stipulation in his contracts if you didn't support the 2nd amendment he wouldn't do business for you and refused to go into any bad or even gas station that wouldn't let him wear his gun in them.

          Idk if he realized it but he was the most cowardly pathetic man I've ever had to deal with.