A post by Jordan Peterson about transgender actor Elliot Page that broke Twitter's "against hateful conduct" guidelines reportedly resulted in his suspension from the social media
The psychologist and Youtuber's profile was suspended after tweet saying 'criminal physician' removed Page's breasts
The "seven deadly sins" actually aren't mentioned in the Bible. There are four things specifically mentioned as "sins which cry out to heaven for vengeance", two of which are shared my Marxists, oppression of the poor and exploitation of wage labor. The other two are murder and non-procreative sex.
The "seven deadly sins" actually aren't mentioned in the Bible. There are four things specifically mentioned as "sins which cry out to heaven for vengeance", two of which are shared my Marxists, oppression of the poor and exploitation of wage labor. The other two are murder and non-procreative sex.
[redacted]ing landlords isn't murder because it's self defense, and we have the volcel police
bible apparently correct on all counts