• FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Sorry, I made a bad joke without making it clear. I do have rather loud neighbours, they aren't playing the drums but music, footsteps, louder conversations, etc all carry. I'm also less bothered than most by hearing my neighbours, but I do understand that not everyone can just tune it out like I do. Again my apologies, I will try to choose my jokes more carefully in the future

    • Egon [they/them]
      4 months ago

      No worries, I thought you weren't joking - I decided the most hostile interpretation and I should have been more chill. I'm sorry

      • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        No problemo, it happens to the best of use. Let they who have not came out of the gates a little hot in response to an internet comment throw the first stone