here is some free and unsolicited advice. agree/disagree?

situations you will want a cordless drill:

  • you are working where there is not guaranteed convenient electricity available
  • you need to be extremely mobile and a cord would be hazardous or very inconvenient
  • wet environments? idk

examples: rough construction, outdoors, drywall racing

benefits of a corded drill:

  • no batteries to charge
  • no batteries that can be stolen
  • no batteries you can lose or break
  • no need to plan around charging batteries
  • no batteries which allow the manufacturer to twist your arm into buying a new device when the old one works just fine; less susceptible to planned obsolescence
  • no batteries to weigh the tool down: lighter and more comfortable to use the tool and better balance
  • tool is smaller and easier to use in cramped situations
  • don't need a case, charger, extra batteries or other junk
  • one less thing to go wrong; more repairable if it does
  • more powerful

you are in a comm called "DIY" = you are probably always working near a power outlet and not going very far. consider a corded drill instead of mindlessly going cordless.

Make sure you get a decent extension cord. I used heatshink tubing to add an extra 6ft to my cord, that makes it long enough for many applications. Sometimes I tie on an extra one.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    7 months ago

    Me withy my assortment of hundred foot long power cables.

    thinking about it, cordless drill might also be required if you are using it for some sort of nighttime extra legal activities like independent unsanctioned art installations

    The battery powered angle grinder is one of the 21st centuries greatest tools for liberation.

    • glans [it/its]
      7 months ago

      It's so ... brazen you can go in the daytime depending on the target.

      Twice my bike lock has seized up and I had to get someone with an angle grinder to remove the lock. 3pm, busy street, lots of foot/vehicle/cycle traffic. 2 greazy people standing around obviously stealing a bike: huge noise, flames and everything. The most dramatic way to do it. Not a single word or gesture that anyone would give a shit. That is white privilege and noone can tell me otherwise.

      Of course my seized bike lock was available at any time.. some use cases require more delicacy. Finesse. Romance was not considered in my top post but perhaps it should have been. The people should of course use the tool which gets the job done in the safest way; the safety assessment including the whole environment of course.

      What if the Stonewall rioters had had a few fully charged cordless powertools hanging around? They could have sealed those cops in the bar properly for one thing. 1

      The lesson is: for hot summer nights, go cordless.

      1 - Tangent: What if we let cops into pride but they are only allowed to play their parts in the ritual reenactments? Usually it just reenact the marching around part. But it would be better to start earlier in the night of the First Pride. To include more original Christopher Street events modified to suit the modern times of course! the cops can come, in their uniforms and everything like they want. No guns plz, this is a family event. they start doing ritual cop stuff. trying to get a bribe, harassing, puffing chests out, or talking about how they should be at pride; whatever cop shit they want. but then they will become completely overwhelmed, get pelted with pennies, endure the mocking gangs of the crowd, and then locked in a bar with no fire exit or water or communications which people will "symbolically" attempt to ignight. That's where the cordless drill comes in. Close that shit nice n tight. This is where the CORDLESS DRILL comes in: 🔩🚪🕵️‍♀️🔩 Meanwhile, LGBTTSQIA+ march around the city. Cops learn why they don't want to be at pride.

      I think I'll make a new thread for that.