Twitter randomly served me this tweet. I'm not following the person, and neither is anyone I'm following. Nor did the tweet blow up. So I don't know why.

The author of the tweet is John Kennedy, a history PhD, who is "working on the transfer of auto-industrial technology from FR and ITA to the USSR from the 60s onwards." The author they're quoting is just called Filtzer.

In the comments, there is just one other person with whom they have a small interaction where there is some more information.

Alexandra Oberländer: I'd say: Good ol' days! (She's a researcher at the Center for the History of Emotions, and an associate editor of Kritika Journal - A Quarterly academic journal about the history of Russia and the former Soviet states. She also lists History of Sexual Violence and the Cultural History of Work as her areas of knowledge/expertise.)

John Kennedy: I'm afraid my original political formation as a Trot prevents me from agreeing with you! I was just reading your article Cushy Work, Backbreaking Leisure the other day. Very nice corrective to the idea that the issue was (an intrinsic) laziness

Alexandra Oberländer: Well, as "Trot" you'd be better off with Filtzer then :) (No disrespect meant, of course!)

John Kennedy: Haha none taken :) I won't tie myself to the mast just yet!

I don't know what my point was exactly by posting this here. I just wanted to share this people, I guess. It's fascinating.