Hi friends - still sick, feel like ass, but I did a lot of work recently, and if everything goes according to plan, within 2 more journal entries, I'll be able to report on my very first hair removal test!

What I've been up to

This week was mostly board and circuit design. I just ordered two more circuit boards I designed, here they are:

Current pump, mk2







I talked about this one in Journal Entry #1 - since then, I received the board and the parts for mk1, and it works duck-dance

Technically, this means I can test hair removal on myself, but I'm going to try and wait until I have the new board, for a lot of reasons. Here's what I changed:

  • Before, the current went out a current pump and went in to ground. If the current pump were to malfunction, it would cause more current than expected to leave the probe, which is a safety issue (not electrocution level, but possibly a scarring issue - very bad). I added a current sink hard-wired to 2 mA on the return of the current probe so that even if the current pump fails, the current sink will still cap the max current at 2 mA.
  • I added feedback so that I can measure the output current from a microcontroller. This is pre-work for the Sphynx Uno, and it can also be used as a safety measure - if the current goes too high, I can cut board power and flash an angry red LED as an error light.
  • I added a current knob! This is one more thing to test for the final version.
  • I broke out and very neatly labeled parts of the schematic so that this is an easier resource to learn from as an outsider.
  • I changed up some resistor values to make the current pump and current sink more stable.

My highly scientific outlook on this one is that there's a 75% chance it works as intended first shot.

This is the board I'm going to use to test hair removal on myself (if it works)! If it works, there aren't really any other current pump related changes to make and this one can get incorporated into the Sphynx Lite!

Digital timing, mk1







@macerated_baby_presidents@hexbear.net game me some really good feedback on this one in Journal Entry #2. I since figured out a better way to make the timer work by actually reading the manual for the part I'm using. This means the knob I'm using will actually be accurate and not have a dangerous failure mode! yay!

This one is a little less likely to be perfect on the first try - it is all new, unlike the current source, it's also a little more complicated, and because of that, I'm giving it 40% odds to work on the first try.

When I get these two boards, if they both work as designed, I will be able to plug in a benchtop power supply, rig up some kind of weird holder for an electrolysis needle, and go for a spot of hair on my thigh I've been growing out for this moment! Journal entry 4 will probably be me designing and ordering the battery submodule, so journal entry 5 will be my first report of actual hair removal!

New Developments

We're on git! Specifically sourcehut! https://git.sr.ht/~_410bdf/sphynx

It's somewhat empty right now, it's also especially clunky because I just set it up and all of my commits are just dumping in all of my files, but now people can actually look at my files and mess with them for themselves, or even contribute if there's anything that anyone feels comfy adding!

Next up

As mentioned above, steady progess, waiting for boards to come in, making the battery board, and probably before the end of March I'll be starting to get rid of some body hair. End of April is a very reasonable timeline for a beta version of the Sphynx Lite to be available for enthusiastic individuals to order, build, try, and review! We're getting there!

Any ways to help?

Calls are out for a Sphynx logo for sure! Design review is always appreciated as well! Besides that, I'm just working through the early stuff, things are a little too turbulent at the moment for me to ask for much because things are moving too fast. Once I'm working on the Lite, it'd be SO sick if anyone artistically inclined would want to design some cool silkscreen for the Lite, maybe with a Blahaj, some trans/commie logos, possibly some original artwork - the possibilities are endless party-blob

This one's a little terse because I'm sick and tired, but as usual, from last time - If you have any questions, please ask below! It doesn't matter if they're technical or non-technical, it doesn't matter if you think they're basic, dumb, not worth my time, or anything else - I want people to get excited about this and I would love to take the time to communicate the inner workings of this to y'all so that everyone can be included! I can't guarantee I'll reply to everyone but I'll do my best to reply to comments that are asking something directly or I have something to add to!

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    6 months ago

    Hello! The needles and pencils I ordered have all come in now!

    from preliminary testing it seems like the idea of using the pencil lead collet as a holder will work! out of 6-7 pencil types tested I've come up with 2 that seem to work well for the 2 needle sizes (F and K shank)

    For the larger F shank needles, I'm using this 1.1mm "Yasutomo Artist Pencil"

    And for the smaller K shank needles, I'm using this 0.7mm Pentel Quicker Clicker

    Both came apart reasonably easily and accommodated a small piece of wire running down the length of the pen and being soldered into the base of their brass collets, allowing for great electrical connection to the needles, and a reasonably strong physical grip. The pentel has an extremely grippy textured rubber grip, while the yasutomo is just plain plastic, but the pentel also required me to strip like 2.5 inches of insulation off the wire, since the insulation wouldn't fit down the lead tube otherwise. Both are probably usable without any further modification, through trimming the end off of the yasutomo would probably be a good idea so that the needle can engage further into the collet without disappearing down in the pen tip.

    Quick notes on other pencils I tried/what else could work:

    The factors I was looking at were:

    • collet material. You want the part gripping the lead to be metal, ideally brass (kind of a dull gold color). Often there is a little brass sleeve, but the actual collet is just 2 pieces of plastic, which won't work. Unfortunately hard to tell this from a product listing.
    • size:
      • the K shank is 0.8mm so a 0.8 or 0.7mm pencil is probably what you want (0.8mm doesn't seem to even exist really)
      • the F shank is 1.25mm, so a 1.1mm (used in some antique and specialty pencils) or 1.3mm (I found one for construction use,
    • ease of disassembly/reassembly/ general dimensional compatibility. If its too fiddly/fragile, or won't fit a wire, has a long tip that's integral to the mechanism somehow, etc. that's ofc bad

    I also looked at:

    • staedtler 1.3mm jumbo construction pencil (crummy plastic collet)
    • bic velocity "Side Clic" (crummy plastic collet)
    • pentel Side FX 0.7 and twist-erase CLiCK 0.7 (plastic collet. hard to reassemble
    • Zebra M-301 (kinda crummy overall, removing the brass collet was tough and seemed to damage the plastic it clips into, plus the integral screw-on tip had to be cut down)

    I will post pictures/instructions on how to modify the 2 I liked soon! I haven't gotten to the point of attaching any plugs or anything yet, just a wire and a continuity test. But there may be enough space for a 2.5mm aux jack at least, if that's the route we want to go.