Roomies got a nice new blender, just got some xanthan gum in so I figured as hot as it is it's time for some alcohol freezes.
Anyone unaccustomed to xanthan gum: it's a stabilizer/thickener that will make smoothies/frapaccinos/etc not separate. Useful for artificially thickening most anything (sometimes great for fixing a dip that came out too thin). Stuffs great to have around because it only takes a tiny tiny amount for it to do it's thing, so buying it will likely last you nearly forever.
Almost certainly used too much, it gets really thick and kinda... Slimey when you go overboard, and you need very little to get there. It's hard without a proper teaspoon measure. My house is missing all of ours except the 1/4th tsp and I had to eyeball a bit, actually came out a bit thicker than intended but they went down well once I remembered we had reusable straws