Yes should be shining like right in the upper part of your vision, ideally
Yes should be shining like right in the upper part of your vision, ideally
Get a happy light, if you have poor sunlight exposure for your eyes (cloudy, especially in the mornings), start using one when you wake up. Ideally have it placed towards the upper end of your vision. I don't remember the right amount of lumins, might be 10k but just make sure you get the right kind of light.
Take supplements, vitamin D and maybe fish oil (or whatever vegan supplement is equivalent, sorry I'm not sure). Honestly take a multi vitamin if you're at all unsure about the quality of your diet, at least for the bad months (I'm not a big believer in multivitamins but depression/seasonal depression is a multi-pronged thing you need to deal with, you need to seek out as many small improvements you can even if not all of them work). If you feel like you don't eat a lot of fiber at least start supplementing fiber as well.
If you have issues with your sleep/sleep schedule getting weird I would suggest taking melatonin about 1 hour before your intended sleep time, nightly. The main problem with melatonin supplements is that they are dosed way WAY too high, probably because the people who researched the correct dose ended up doing a trademark on it (or something like that). The correct dose is about .25mg or so, much smaller than the doses you normally find. My suggestion is to buy this bottle: Life Extension Fast-Acting Liquid Melatonin – , this comes as a liquid with a dropper and you only need about 3-4 drops to have the right dose, it's also just a ton of melatonin for the price and will last you a very long time. For me this keeps my sleep super regular, gently nudging me to sleep at the correct time, but I can also stay awake if I really want to until the melatonin wears off (it should only really noticeably last for a couple hours). Being consistently well rested is important for anxiety/depression.
On that note I would also suggest making absolutely sure you don't have any sort of issues with breathing while sleeping. Sleep apnea is also pretty bad, although admittedly resolving it can be kinda hard, especially without health insurance helping. Regardless, sometimes even doing something small like training yourself to sleep in different positions can make a large difference.
My prophecy maxed evangelical father has reminded me that Damascus falling/getting completely roasted (some of these folks think nuked) is a big end-times thing. So now I guess something new for him to vibrate over
Sorry I only really do backend ob/gyn
If you suspect at all that you aren't eating enough fiber I would at the very least try out some fiber supplement. Target sells some generic kind for an ok price, it's basically just psyllium husk with a bit of orange flavoring (you mix the stuff up fast and shoot it down, else it gels up). If you get too many runny poops it's usually a lack of fiber, and at least in the immediate term supplementing can help (or when you just haven't got much fiber in you in the last 48 hours).
One of these dipshits decided the Axlotl tanks from Dune were actually very cool and "good"
Real protestors get the proper permits and stay on the sidewalks where we can ignore them!
I made a female bloodelf priest named "Juicyjuice" because I really wanted to see how much differently people would treat me and whoo boy, people were nice as hell. Honestly would do again.
Look, mithra has the highest Dex stat and I want the biggest sneak attacks possible. I'm not one of those gooners who wants to lock style in the wedding gear, my mithra stays tastefully purple with the bastokian aketon and those rad goldsmithing glasses
Just buy a used one and look up how to use your own co2 tank with it. It's much cheaper.
I refill my tanks using a co2 tank that can be refilled for very cheap at a homebrew store. You can even hook one up directly to the stream and feed it co2 that way
Was just commenting to my friend/roommate that is definitely the time of year for chili. Gonna buy some dried chilis to make the sauce base and make a huge pot next week
My account was banned because I used a stacked deck opener... No regrets lol. Not sure if I'll end up playing again, but might play with my friend on PS5 if he ends up liking it at all
Our votes are that powerful
We actually personally got Trump elected.
If I count having ever touched a game on this list, no matter for how short or long, it's like 92/100, which is actually somewhat painful to admit lol