Many may have seen this popular post here about an article in The Guardian reporting on Bill Gates giving all his money to his own political machine and calling it charity. An important detail that was missed is that Gates' foundation gave The Guardian a $3.5 million grant spread out in allotments from 2020 to 2023.
The outlet doesn't disclose this blatant conflict of interest in the page. For some reason, I expected The Guardian to be better than a public relations front.
They had to rehabilitate their image somehow. Reminder the Bill Gates was once considered an asshole by pretty much everyone. I'm surprised no one has dropped the relevant Citations Needed eps yet.
Episode 45: The Not-So-Benevolent Billionaire (Part I) — Bill Gates and Western Media | by Citations Needed | Medium
Episode 46: The Not-So-Benevolent Billionaire (Part II) — Bill Gates in Africa | by Citations Needed | Medium