death to america

they even do the vocoder hell yeah

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    4 months ago

    We still sang hymns when I was at school and mine was just a regular British state school.

    I'd rather sing even the most monotonous, judgy hymn over Proud To Be An American though, I'm not gonna lie.

    • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
      4 months ago

      lmao leaf greenwich? lee greenwood get owned even hymns are preferable to your grotesque sound abrasions

      that shit did psychic damage for sure. every time i get out of a chair, somewhere deep in the back of my mind, "i proudly staaAND uuPP"

  • NewLeaf
    4 months ago

    We used to have to run laps to those two songs.

      • NewLeaf
        4 months ago


        Also, not trying to body shame, I'm a chubby dude, but has anyone ever had a gym teacher that looked like they went to the gym?

        • Kuori [she/her]
          3 months ago

          has anyone ever had a gym teacher that looked like they went to the gym?

          one, and he was the absolute biggest asshole imaginable. just straight up abusive, in a way that's entirely separate from what i'm about to say

          cw: csa

          he also spent a lot of time in the girl's locker room and routinely had them sit in his lap in front of everyone

          8th grade btw

          tl;dr i hope he died in a fire and it took a LONG time

  • pooh [she/her, any]
    4 months ago

    I had to sing that garbage too, but I also had to sing this which wasn't so bad: