they keep talking as though we fundamentally want the same things but have different views on how to achieve it. no, i want the amerikkkan state and its allies wiped from the face of the earth and every one of its politicians, media cheerleaders, military brass, etc shot, even the ones who are ok with me being trans! i don't want a "lesser evil". i want the people to assert themselves on the world historical stage and drag you and everyone like you from your comfortable homes. you are the modern incarnation of the Nazis, you are actively carrying out the worst atrocity i have seen in my life, and yet you think you can convince me to do anything for you, let alone not actively work for your overthrow and execution???

  • Amerikan
    7 months ago

    But saying that any liberal should be executed is quite a bit different.

    If they put their stamp, signature, or seal on actions that resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent sovereign civilians, at the hands of genocidal fascists that your liberals armed, bankrolled, and backed? If your liberals washed their hands in the trough of blood they've spent over 50 years making in the middle east? Then yeah, fuck a guillotine, a noose, or a firing squad; they deserve a Brazen Bull.