I swear to god, I am not exaggerating or making up any part of this.

So I was working my part-time job at a bookstore as a shop assistant earlier today, and this customer comes up to the information counter. By his accent, I would probably guess that he's mainland Chinese of some sort (not 100% sure, and I can't be any more specific; I'm just a Malaysian Chinese borderline-banana with severely atrophied Chinese communication skills because I basically only consume western books and media).

Anyway, this guy walked up to me and immediately asked whether we have any copies of "希特勒的《我的奋斗》", specifically the Chinese translation published in Singapore. (Yup, that's Mein Kampf.)

Okay, he's probably interested in WW2 or studying history or something. I searched the bookstore's internal database. No stock available.

Then I did a quick online search to see if our usual suppliers have any copies in stock, to see if we can order a copy for this customer. There seem to be separate translations published in Singapore and in Taiwan. The Singaporean version doesn't seem available, whereas the Taiwanese version is very well-stocked and readily available for ordering.

So, while waiting for me find all this information, the guy got a little chatty. I didn't even ask him anything beyond asking if he would still be interested in the Taiwanese translation. The guy said to me (and I did not make any part of this up, I swear) that "我真的很喜欢读这本书", and "这一本书,在中国买不到" (i.e "I really like reading this book", and "You can't buy this book in China").

What the fuck. Why would you even say that out loud? Do you even know what you're saying? Of course you do, you Nazi fuck. But why would you say it to my face? Do you think I wouldn't understand what you meant by that, you goddamned psycho? Did you think that I was a stupid liberal, or that I was one of your compatriots? Just because I was trying to do my job and didn't put a bullet in your skull immediately after you finished your very first sentence to me? What the fuck.

Anyway, it turned out that it would take too long to get a copy from our Taiwanese supplier, and that this customer would already be back in China by the time the copy would arrive from Taiwan. I guess that's a happy ending of a sort.

Anyway, uncritical support for the heroic anti-fascist efforts of President Xi and the Communist Party of China, truly 没有共产党就没有新中国. Hopefully (:xi-plz: ), this guy gets a very nice :fash-bash: whenever he returns to his home country, courtesy of our boy :anarxi:, preferably involving judicious amounts of :xi-gun: :xi-reactionary-spotted: .

  • echognomics [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Nah, I didn't get his name. Even if I did, what would the Chinese authorities do on the unsubstantiated word of foreign national who interacted with a citizen of theirs for less than 5 minutes without the latter breaking any laws at the time? I don't really know anything about the Chinese police but I don't think they are the Gestapo or anything.

    Also, while I did say :fash-bash: to be glib, I still think the ideal solution would be reeducation / rehabilitation.