I used to really enjoy her columns, Twitter, and podcast, and I liked that there was a visible democratic socialist in mainstream media who was also Catholic. I haven’t really followed her much lately as I’ve drifted further from being a practicing Catholic myself. I saw an article about her in another community criticizing her (it’s here: (https://judedoyle.medium.com/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-elizabeth-bruenig-ba5a477ef838)) and it made me think harder about her views and how her nuclear family wholesome image can be a bit sinister when combined with her pro-life politics. What do you guys think, in particular about her as a public Catholic who (at least self-identifies) as a leftist?

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    2 years ago

    She has been a controversial figure for quite a while because as a writer she has freelance for the American Catholic magazine and reviewed a book about Catholicism and homosexuality and yadayada her thoughts were..not good.

    I too appreciated her at the time and she used to post in /r/cth actually lol, but she does a disservice for leftist causes when she ends up siding with reactionary politics for the sake of nuance. I think I finally lost it when she wrote an article about her uncle refusing to vaccinate against covid as some great moral dilemma when in reality it contradicted not just her so called pro-life beliefs and her professed love for her uncle by refusing to argue the point of vaccination any further.

    I think there is a place for religion in the left. But it has to be a revolutionary religious manifestation, you can't wrap dogmatic and antiquated beliefs around red banners and call it revolutionary. That is, abolish homophobia, transphobia, patriarchy, gender norms, private property, etc from dogmatic prescriptions or interpretations of Bible and Canonical thought - explicitly apply a material analysis to the writings of theologians and try and bring universal principles, if they exist, into the modern times. Create and codify protections for religious minorities. And create truly democratic institutions that oversee church doctrine.