Fucking electrical leakage keeps draining the battery. Which requires manual charging, or to drive it, which requires fuel. Not to mention keeping the weather out, critters out, sunlight etc. I just want to park it for half or whole year without fucking driving it or refueling or charging it every week!

Also the thousand other consumerist techno gadgets around us trapping people into an endless cycle of toiling with out dated, unnecessary objects that slowly drains ones lifeforce away, to enrich the techno vampires sat within their fortified castle chateaus. We are all taking but a brief rest at a shady tree inside the vampires dark endless labyrinth.

:dean-malice: 🏰 :meow-cactus:

  • FailureToLaunch [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Maintaining a car is way more expensive than people think about, and its kinda wild that a country based 150% on automobiles doesnt teach anyone anything about that

    For this specific issue you can get a top post switch, which is basically a battery terminal w/ a knife switch that lets you disconnect the battery if its gonna sit for a while. Theyre pretty cheap and easy to install