• AutomatedPossum [she/her]
    6 months ago

    "Postmodern neomarxist" just means "anybody in academia who doesn't agree with Jordan Peterson". It doesn't matter if that person is a libertarian poststructuralist, a liberal third wave feminist, a neocon Kantian, an armchair ultra, an intersectional or an orthodox Marxist, a Hegelian grifter rodent or anything else you can imagine to the left of Kermit the Fraud. He has neither the training nor the willingness to distinguish between these, and the combination of arrogance and lazyness that has made him resort to just bullshitting his way through everything throughout his entire career has led him to just make up a weasel word that he can throw at all of them equally.

    Postmodern neomarxist is just a more pretentious way to say woke. And i am dead certain that JBP doesn't get that, he is so self-absorbed that he has seriously invented this world-spanning academic movement that exists solely to exclude brave free thinkers like him from the pronoun-poisoned ivory tower. "Foucault, Zizek, Chomsky, Butler, Davis and Feinberg all have the same ideology because all of them have at least some ideas that directly contradict my precious editorials and my very eloquent and not at all unhinged tweets" is just what a grown man who dresses like a Batman villain would come up with.