My journey with Lemmy started in 2022 out of interest in the fediverse and paranoia around how much control social media companies have, and how little choice common people are left with over the Internet.

Lemmy was much smaller back then. I really wanted it go get bigger, and tried to contribute to it. But it was small enough to be unsatisfying, so I would go back and forth between lemmy and Reddit.

After the Reddit fiasco, I shifted more and more towards lemmy and less towards Reddit. I finally abandoned Reddit when third party apps broke. I only go there for specific questions in communities that aren't active on lemmy.

What about you?

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 months ago

    /r/chapotraphouse was the best socialist subreddit and it got banned over saying "death to slave masters". The intense censorship campaign, at one point consisting of being site banned if you upvoted a comment in the subreddit, was so disgusting that I wanted to take the Reddit out of reddit. was its direct continuation.

    3 months ago

    When they killed off third-party app support, and Apollo developer exposed Reddit CEO.

    3 months ago

    Like many people here, long time Reddit user. Lived through RES, Alien Blue, and finally settled on Apollo. When they pulled the plug on third parties, looked at Lemmy and Kbin. Voyager (a pretty decent Apollo clone) is what pulled it over to Lemmy.

    I'm liking how it feels like early Reddit. Hopefully it'll pick up a bit more.

    TBH, 90% of Reddit usage was just wading through crap, just looking for distraction, or funny crap to send friends. The last 10% was as a realtime side-channel during MLB games. Was bummed to have the new baseball season start without that. But The Athletic has started doing live gameday threads so that might make up for the loss.

    I didn't delete my Reddit account, hoping they would come to their senses with 3rd parties, but it looks unlikely. Happy to stick around here and even start contributing posts.

    3 months ago

    Came here when the Reddit 3rd party app threat started looming, loved it and never went back.

    Sure, Lemmy doesn't have the same variety and amount of content that's on Reddit but that's because it's a smaller and newer platform along with the fact that not all instances federate with each other (which is great).

    I still get my scrolling urge fulfilled and presented with random memes and news that I'm interested in without the data harvesting factor which is perfect for me.

    3 months ago

    I joined after EMPRESS got banned from reddit and reccomended here. She got banned from instance later and didn't bother looking for another instance. I never thought I'd stick with Lemmy; until reddit pretty much removed all third party apps. I kinda dislike mainstream social media like Twitter and Instagram; so I decided to go with this.

  • Lettuce eat
    3 months ago

    Came here last year during the exodus from Reddit and never looked back.

    I only use reddit to troubleshoot tech issues now or occasionally to look up info on some topic I'm researching.

    I really enjoy Lemmy, it's the part of the fediverse I use the most. I think federation is the best model for decentralized networks and I like how it feels a little like the old internet, when things weren't totally corpo-controlled and hyper-monetized.

    3 months ago

    Mid-2022. I'd heard about it and finally decided to give it a try, though I didn't post a lot. These days I mostly only go to reddit when searches for information lead me to a post there, and occasionally for stuff that doesn't exist/is dead here (emacs, hydrohomies...)

    3 months ago

    When reddit did their API nonsense I was primed to try something else, and someone linked me to lemmy.

    It's been fine so far. It hasn't reached the level where you can search [specific problem] lemmy like you can with reddit, yet.

    3 months ago

    I started using Lemmy a few years ago because of the blackout that happened then (the one that started because they hired a known pedophile apologist as an admin). When Reddit fired her and made what they considered an apology, I continued to use both just simply because I didn't like the fact that their apology sounded like they were disappointed in the community for not supporting pedophilia.

    When the second blackout happened (the one caused by the API changes) I didn't support the statements that Spez was spouting about the app developers. At first I waited to see what their response was to the blackout but they, more specifically Spez, made it obvious that they didn't care, so I deleted my Reddit account and started only using Lemmy.

  • DinosaurThussy [they/them]
    3 months ago

    I first joined up almost 4 years ago following the r/chapotraphouse ban. It feels like it’s been so much longer.

  • synae[he/him]
    3 months ago

    16 years on reddit, they killed my client. Now I'm here, probably forever - I don't expect there will be any permanent issue with the protocol so from here on out it's just a matter of federation/moderation/blocking the right things

    3 months ago

    For me, it was APImageddon - when Christian of Apollo played out the whole story, the lies he had been told, and how he tried to negotiate and Reddit just wouldn’t budge; when he said that there was no way he could make it work, I said, “Well, looks like I’m done with Reddit.” I went to mastadon first, but I’m not a micro-blog person, so I went between Kbin and I went to Reddit a few times, spreading the word and looking for communities that made the migration but, for the most part, I didn’t look back. I tried to contribute, and when it was quiet, I touched grass and stuff. I’m now at now because of the piracy debacle and .world defederating with Hexbear. I still use my mastadon account from time to time. But I’m happy and only see Reddit when it shows up in searches.

    Edit: I did go back Reddit to help make pixel placing canvas (what was that thing called again?) a very special send off though. Fuck spez 4ever!

        3 months ago

        The basics: .world defederated from piracy comms in other instances as to not have liability in pirated material hosted on their servers. I’m cool with them making that decision, but I’d rather be in a more open, free instance so I moved.

    3 months ago

    I had a LOT of reddit use over 15 years, but moved over here right after the API use fiasco caused my browsing apk I used to stop working. Between that and the general degradation of reddit over the last 5 years, it was time to jump ship. Found an apk called Thunder that works very similar to what I used on reddit.

  • PaulSmackage [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    Chapo got banned, checked out, found the "under construction" page with what i think was "call me maybe" as a chiptune playing, and joined a little while after.