I've just reset my computer so I'm trying to update how i use the the thing. Got KeePassXC, even though I don't know how to use it, and now I want to get a VPN so I can torrent shit without having to worry about Verizon shutting my internet off. Which one do you recommend?
Sorry if this isn't the right comm
I physically move my computer to different parts of the world and use McDonald's wifi
Mullvad is cheap, doesn't have a recurring subscription, and you don't need an email to use it! Recommend!
Based and cash-pilled
But I think they are trolling with some of these payment methods (not really, I'm just - take your pick - old/ool/american :pain: )
I bought a month of mullvad but I might switch to nord after. Mullvad doesn't offer IPs in Indonesia, while nord apparently does (would you mind confirming this for me? If you have a minute). This is key for me bc apparently there's a streaming service called mola which is only available in Indonesia that only costs $5/month and offers shitloads of soccer leagues I want to watch. Would be a huge come up if I can get it to work
Death to America
I got Mozillavpn when it first came out as $5 a month and they didn't apply the cost increase to people who already had subscriptions. but maybe there's a good reason to change to a different one IDK
hacked nordvpn accounts from Russian graymarket sites (ggsel, plati, wmcentre)
What's the advantage of a hacked Russian graymarket site as opposed to just nordvpn itself?
its like 3-4 dollars, the amount of time the account works may vary but I got 3months out of it usually.
perfect privacy. they're a little more expensive (12.99 a month iirc) but they get regular audits and set up completely anonymous accounts (just provide fake bio), including payment (make sure to anonymize the crypto if you go that route).
either proton or I pay for a month of mulvad if I need to torrent