jfc this is the most boring fucking game I've ever played in my life. It's not fun getting one-shotted by something that you don't know about until after its killed you at least once. There's nothing interesting about worldbuilding that's all made up of intentionally vague YoU hAvE tO fIlL iN tHe BlAnKs YoUrSeLf nonsense. There's nothing noteworthy about weapon upgrades that require you to look up a guide to see what's worth investing materials in and what's not.

And already some of you have doubtlessly gone down to comment "lmao git gud". Motherfucker it's not about difficulty. You know what was a difficult fucking game? Sekiro. That game is hard as balls and I absolutely love it, precisely because its designed in a such a way that it fixes everything about Dark Souls that sucks.

In Dark Souls, every single time you rock up to an enemy, you know exactly how you're going to defeat it. You're going to learn the patterns of its attacks, dodge at the appropriate time, and hit it in the intervals between. This is interesting once, but doing it over and over again for fifteen bosses is boring, repetitive bullshit.

In Sekiro they fixed this. Instead of literally just dodging every single attack, you have a dozen different defensive options that you have to learn and apply to different attacks. Instead of knowing how every single enemy encounter is going to go down, you have a bunch of different ninja tools that have different effects that you can experiment with.

And yet the geniuses of the gaming sphere all bashed their head cavities together and decided that SEKIRO was the bad one. The best game in the whole fucking genre, now sidelined because these morons confused a repetitive grind for difficulty. And as a result Elden Ring, which was supposed to be the masterpiece of the whole thing, is just another bland endurance test.

  • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
    2 years ago

    It’s not fun getting one-shotted by something that you don’t know about until after its killed you at least once.

    then pay attention so you know about it before it kills you. there are very few true surprises, mostly its stuff that you blunder into if you're not watching out.

    There’s nothing interesting about worldbuilding that’s all made up of intentionally vague YoU hAvE tO fIlL iN tHe BlAnKs YoUrSeLf nonsense.

    some people like to interpret

    There’s nothing noteworthy about weapon upgrades that require you to look up a guide to see what’s worth investing materials in and what’s not.

    literally any upgrade is acceptable, it doesnt matter which you choose.

    That game is hard as balls and I absolutely love it, precisely because its designed in a such a way that it fixes everything about Dark Souls that sucks.

    Yeah, surprisingly when they spent 5 years making 4 other games in the genre in between Dark Souls and Sekiro, they learned a few things about making games in that genre. surprising :shrug-outta-hecks:

    And yet the geniuses of the gaming sphere all bashed their head cavities together and decided that SEKIRO was the bad one.

    I've literally never heard this opinion once in my life and I've been a fan of the Souls games since 2012. I've always said that Sekiro is obviously the best one

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      then pay attention so you know about it before it kills you. there are very few true surprises, mostly its stuff that you blunder into if you’re not watching out.

      Very often what I'm talking about is a combo attack that stun locks you until death while fighting a boss. Your only chance to dodge it is after you know it exists, and unless the AI bugs out and it whiffs the attack you're not going to know about it until after it's killed you with it at least once.

      Yeah, surprisingly when they spent 5 years making 4 other games in the genre in between Dark Souls and Sekiro, they learned a few things about making games in that genre. surprising

      If they learned about the genre, why do they keep doing the same shit in DS 2, 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring? Why is Sekiro the only one where they seem to have done something different?

      It is possible that I'm just surrounded by wierdos who don't like Sekiro.

      • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Very often what I’m talking about is a combo attack that stun locks you until death while fighting a boss.

        idk, attacks in dark souls 1 are all so telegraphed its hard to understand what you mean. in elden ring sure, maybe theres some stuff like this because the game is designed to be legit hard and expects you to die a lot. but in dark souls 1 there are very few things which can kill you at no fault of your own. everybody winds up their windups before attacking lol

        If they learned about the genre, why do they keep doing the same shit in DS 2, 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring?

        I'd say they clearly applied a lot of what they learned in Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. Dark Souls 2 is the only one that kind of regresses from a game design standpoint and that's because it wasn't made by the main team.

      • RION [she/her]
        2 years ago

        What fights are you getting combo's to death in? Bosses in DS1 don't really combo that much. The biggest offender I can think of is Artorias with his triple sword slam, but that's not even really a combo, just repeating the same move over and over

      • AtomPunk [he/him]
        2 years ago

        If they learned about the genre, why do they keep doing the same shit in DS 2, 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring?

        In fairness to Miyazaki, I got the impression he didn’t want to do DS3, and he was occupied with Bloodborne while DS2 was in development. There’s a proven formula in the series that’s iterated on in Bloodborne and Sekiro, and to an extent Elden Ring. ER is where I feel it’s stagnated too much, and I wouldn’t be sorry if they stop making Souls-likes altogether.