jfc this is the most boring fucking game I've ever played in my life. It's not fun getting one-shotted by something that you don't know about until after its killed you at least once. There's nothing interesting about worldbuilding that's all made up of intentionally vague YoU hAvE tO fIlL iN tHe BlAnKs YoUrSeLf nonsense. There's nothing noteworthy about weapon upgrades that require you to look up a guide to see what's worth investing materials in and what's not.

And already some of you have doubtlessly gone down to comment "lmao git gud". Motherfucker it's not about difficulty. You know what was a difficult fucking game? Sekiro. That game is hard as balls and I absolutely love it, precisely because its designed in a such a way that it fixes everything about Dark Souls that sucks.

In Dark Souls, every single time you rock up to an enemy, you know exactly how you're going to defeat it. You're going to learn the patterns of its attacks, dodge at the appropriate time, and hit it in the intervals between. This is interesting once, but doing it over and over again for fifteen bosses is boring, repetitive bullshit.

In Sekiro they fixed this. Instead of literally just dodging every single attack, you have a dozen different defensive options that you have to learn and apply to different attacks. Instead of knowing how every single enemy encounter is going to go down, you have a bunch of different ninja tools that have different effects that you can experiment with.

And yet the geniuses of the gaming sphere all bashed their head cavities together and decided that SEKIRO was the bad one. The best game in the whole fucking genre, now sidelined because these morons confused a repetitive grind for difficulty. And as a result Elden Ring, which was supposed to be the masterpiece of the whole thing, is just another bland endurance test.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    yeah but then what would we talk about on gaming subs? poor treatment of developers? gambling mechanics designed to exploit the nuerodivergent? mainstream games with plotlines that reinforce harmful beliefs in our culture? it's easier to just argue about popular games instead.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      You make a good point. Hold on I'm going to write 3 pages on how you don't appreciate the sublime storytelling of Dork Souls and also git gud. ; )

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      2 years ago

      We could talk about RimWorld mods. I like the one that adds dinosaurs.

      • charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        I personally like the mods that just add additional complexity for no good reason, like Rimatomics or Hygiene where you gotta make sure all the doodoo butts stay clean and you also don't expose your colonists to mountains of sewage.

        • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          I can't play Rimworld without Dubs hygiene after getting used to it. Adds a lot of immersion starting with them shitting in an outhouse or taking a nice relaxing bath after a long day of butchering the corpses of raiders to keep the human leather flowing.

          One of the last big updates seemed to cause a conflict with the main pregnancy/child mods to where it doesn't allow anima grass to generate during meditation and I really miss having it. Apparently Rimjobworld still works but I've never felt compelled to add sex crimes to my games.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        3 months ago

        I got into Dwarf Fortress for a bit until it became clear how buggy it was

        is Rimworld a little less glitchy or no?

        • ElGosso [he/him]
          3 months ago

          Damn, that thread necro.

          Never got into DF, but Rimworld is pretty good in that regard. I haven't played it in a little bit, but I don't remember it being especially buggy.

      • RION [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Excuse me, I basically live in the Anor Londo casino. One of these days I'm gonna hit the 5.2 million soul jackpot on Solaire Slots, I'm telling you!!