On one hand, I do think torture is wrong

But on the other hand, this just feels like more confirmation of Ukraine/US involvement that they're so outraged about it.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    The first thing that happened after 9/11 was that a bunch of American men beat a Sihk to death over a thousand miles away in the man’s own gas station because he had a turban. Hate crimes against Sikhs and Muslims skyrocketed and didn’t die down to pre-9/11 levels till 2009.

    All projection.

    • D61 [any]
      6 months ago

      After the Oct 7 raids by Hammas into Israeli occupied territories, a landlord in the USA went into the home of some renters who were Palestinian and started shooting, wounding a mother and killing her child.

      I remember reading some articles talking to the family and relatives and it stuck out to me that the general opinion was that the landlord and the family he shot up were friendly towards each other.

      • SSJ2Marx
        6 months ago

        He had helped them built a treehouse a couple years earlier, IIRC. I suspect his brain got rotted out by conservative news and conspiracy and Al Aqsa Flood broke it in half.

        • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
          6 months ago

          Lead poisoning, PFAS exposure, asbestos exposure, and other horrific chemicals have set humanity back decades if not over a century at this point, and have fully rotted the minds of the older generations. A lot of the bizarre manifestations of dementia, paranoia, mental illness, aggression, and strange behavior are hallmark signs of lead exposure and the subsequent neural decay.

          That and the Western media machine. That has also turned many people into rabid violent removed.

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      If rumours that the perpetrators are tajik turn out true, I expect a spike in hate crimes as well

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Another reason torture is bad, period: a confession is a lot less believable when you cut a guy's ear off beforehand

      • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago

        I don’t know if you watch Russian news, but I’ll tune into PT or Первый канал sometimes and there is a bizarre and disgusting trend of being horrifically racist to black people and Muslims. They are legitimately described and referred to as subhuman and in extremely derogatory ways. It worsened EXTREMELY after George Floyd.

        If that is anything to go off of, I expect hate crimes to increase and the media to support it or brush it under the rug.

        Jesus Christ Russia has fallen since the Union days.

        • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          6 months ago

          I don’t know if you watch Russian news, but I’ll tune into PT or Первый канал

          Nope. Don't really watch TV at all, and specifically avoid these (and other similar) channels in their many forms. They manage to make any topic into an ear-bleeding experience.

          there is a bizarre and disgusting trend of being horrifically racist to black people and Muslim

          Trust me, I know. Don't go to popular places like pikabu, and especially to the comment sections. Heck, comments are filled with racist reactionary crap even at communist media (such as blogs of Constantin Syomin). There's usually plenty of anti-semitism too, for "good" measure.

          Russia has fallen since the Union days.

          Yup. The more one learns about the depth of this fall, the more heartbreaking it gets. It is a veritable pit of tartarus. And the worst part is, people don't seem to understand it. Many think it's always been like this. Many, many blame USSR outright for the current state of affairs. Some think it's actually better now and will only get better, either because muh putin, or because "sovoks will dies out and New People (read: businessmen) will take over and lead us to bright liberal capitalist future".

          Shit ain't fun, comrade.