already, 9 govts across south america, central america, and the Caribbean are controlled by socialists. All of these govts with only one exception are also overtly, and ideologically, anti-american
:bloomer: based.
Which is the one that is socialist but not Anti-american? They gotta get their shit together.
I'm guessing he's talking about Boric in Chile as he attended summit of Americas, has made some disparaging comments about Chavez and Castro, and maintains an open investment environment (for now, I'm interested to see if the new constitution is passed whether that gives him more room to move left).
Okay Ted... but so what? Those are sovereign countries that made that decision for themselves. Not that the US has ever cared about the sovereignty of any nation but for itself, but at least have to stones to admit we're the baddies.
America mind your own goddam motherfucking business for 1 zeptosecond challenge (impossible)
Calling Batista's Cuba a flourishing society is such a disgusting lie, but apparently it's a blood feud for him.
Of all of Latin America's left-wing leaders, he singled out Petro, who isn't even a Marxist.
"it's not democracy if the people pick something good!"
Hugo Chavez was right when he said that Colombia is the Israel of South America. I'll be very impressed if Petro makes it through his entire term, even more so if he manages a re-election.