I just wrapped up "Rough and Ready", the Viking romance time travel book that became a meme because of the "dick attack" line. It's a profoundly dumb, bad book, which I only finished because of stubbornness (do not recommend, even as a joke meme book). What I did take away from it is that most of the sexual encounters that were meant to be titillating had this rapey aspect to it, which is apparently common in romance novels? Probably not a good book to introduce myself to the genre.
I just wrapped up "Rough and Ready", the Viking romance time travel book that became a meme because of the "dick attack" line. It's a profoundly dumb, bad book, which I only finished because of stubbornness (do not recommend, even as a joke meme book). What I did take away from it is that most of the sexual encounters that were meant to be titillating had this rapey aspect to it, which is apparently common in romance novels? Probably not a good book to introduce myself to the genre.