Is there a possibility of certain undiscovered large mammals like Orang Pendek still existing?

  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Environmental DNA sampling makes the burden of evidence much harder for any cryptid claim. Scientists sampled the water around Loch Vale and ran the DNA found against genomic profiles. Everything that could be identified was. If there was an anomaly the size of Nessie, it'd have shown up. While that's harder to do with land cryptids like Bigfoot unless you're sampling lakes it might drink from or bathe in, it's the hard physical evidence that I'd need to see for any of them. That's my same standard for anything alien. The Drake Equation sets my standard of expectation and I'm agnostic about any kind of existing interaction until there's hard physical evidence. The only time I've accepted video evidence is with the Nimitz/Roosevelt sightings where it was some of the best optics with some of the most highly trained observers confirming it over multiple kinds of imaging.