I've always found the Uncharted 4/The Last Of Us/God of War 2018 to all be decent, but all those games are kinda lacking in imteresting gameplay and are basically the video game equivalents of "Oscar bait"

  • laziestflagellant [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Ehhh they have made some additions that are genuinely good. The new height additions and new cave generation is really impressive as a foundation for mods to build on and the improved swimming and water mechanics was a great engine improvement. My real problem with Microsoft's Minecraft is that they take months to a year to add additions to the game that would be a footnote in an average content mod. Like thanks for the goats that do nothing and the frogs that produce a redundant decorative light source in a way that's almost impossible to automate I guess.

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Yeah I think that's the real issue. Once a year you get, maybe, a single new biome? None of that would be particularly impressive in a mod context.