like I don't wanna be mr cracker callin cops but say you hear your neighbor bang on his front door so loud it shakes your apartment 3 rooms away, you hear him inside yelling with a woman, hard to tell what they say, but you clearly hear "get out of my face" from her, and either "give me my keys" or "give me my kids" (but wtf???) from her, shouting, and then pounding like someone is being flung around the room

is this cop time? do cops make things worse? is this "just talk to your neighbors" time even though the clear and present threat of violence is there?? I literally do not know what to do. I panicked, I called the cops, I think they literally just talked to the guy and then left.. idk what the alternative would be, I can't just get the woman alone to ask if she's okay when the dude's almost always there, guy is like 7 foot fuck,

e: I don't know how to reconcile "all cops suck they make everything worse" with not wanting to be a fucking bystander when someone is potentially (from all the sensory information I can gather) getting beaten by their partner

    • cozy [she/her]
      2 years ago

      of course you can't blame the victim for anything they do in that situation. but it should be their choice unless their life is in danger. I've been in that place of a busybody calling the police and having armed men stomp in full of concern. it's humiliating to be put in that position of being extremely vulnerable but having to put on a brave face and explain "no no I'm fine, it was just a misunderstanding, I'm sorry, I'm okay."

      also, acab isn't just a slogan, it's a deep, learned revulsion. if everything I owned were stolen (which isn't much) I wouldn't go to the police. if I were assaulted, I wouldn't go to the police. it has nothing to do with leftist principles, it has to do with seeing them as murdering, wifebeating pieces of shit who will not help me and will probably just make things worse.