I know I am in a bit of a dark place, but I need a place to doompost. I am slowly realizing that fascism is unbeatable as an ideology, ugh and where to start?

First off, conservatives remain unbeatable in the culture wars despite being the aggressor. All I ever wanted was to be allowed to mind my own business in peace, but the masses always need to target and harass me just because I'm different. Every day I am constantly told by the media, by the internet cool kids, and just from normal people that "Liberal bad, conservative good" ad nauseum. That I should be treated like dirt for not being white or straight. Sure, you'll see the odd pride flag, but that is pretty much social suicide and is an easy way to get marked as a pariah.

Speaking of culture wars, fascists clearly have the people on their side. Twitter, and most of social media is completely unusable because it's a hog hellhole. Don't even bother trying to talk to them, no matter how many scientific studies prove the races are equal or whatever, I've found that they don't want to hear it, they'll think of a smart-alecky insult to call you, and they automatically win. . IRL is full of hogs too, any time politics gets involved, it's only the CHUDs that talk. I don't talk because I really don't want to get beat up.

  • Finally, we are totally outmatched by them. They have been stockpiling weapons, they have been training for decades before I was ever born. Look, I'm just an absolute scrub, I don't really like my odds.

EDIT: I've taken out a good deal of the unproductive defeatism.

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Your concern is good, it's good to see the enemy's strength and place it in an analysis of the context and our own power. It is not doomerism or defeatism to acknowledge the reality that our traditional base of power (labor) has been largely deconstructed or coopted or deranged via financialization and that social change has been built not on coherent left movement-building but on slow liberal concessions devoid of economic justice. That's the best we've seen for decades and those liberals will abandon us very soon.

    Things are very bad for us right now, purely in terms of power and numbers. But that's not a reason for defeatism, it's a reason to elevate the struggle, because we can grow rapidly and successfully bully everyday libs. And the younger generations are increasingly cool due to furthet proletarianization, albeit in a financialized context. No revolution, or survival of fascist attempts at takeover, or building a resilient community that supports our marginalized comrades will look possible at first, it will always feel stressful and like you're about to lose the entire time. You've gotta be a realistic bloomer, you've gotta get with your comrades and organize, and you've still gotta have that backup plan to leave your community/country just in case. Fight for success, ensure that you live in defeat.

    Keep in mind that "us" here is Western leftists. Worldwide, things are looking pretty good for the left due to China giving other countries sustainable breathing room from the worst of imperialism. But we're in a challenging and precarious situation domestically.