<<Deng Xiaoping: As one of the participants in this polemics, I, one can say, played an
important role in it. Almost 30 years have passed since then. Turning one’s sights to the past, one
should say that many words, which were then being said by both sides, turned out to be empty.
Gorbachev: I can’t judge [and] I will take your word for it. I share your thought but 30 years
did not pass in vain—we were able to figure many things out. And our commitment to socialist
ideals did not lessen from this; by contrast, we rose to a new level of comprehension of socialism.>>
<<Deng Xiaoping: As one of the participants in this polemics, I, one can say, played an important role in it. Almost 30 years have passed since then. Turning one’s sights to the past, one should say that many words, which were then being said by both sides, turned out to be empty.
Gorbachev: I can’t judge [and] I will take your word for it. I share your thought but 30 years did not pass in vain—we were able to figure many things out. And our commitment to socialist ideals did not lessen from this; by contrast, we rose to a new level of comprehension of socialism.>>