• PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    When hurricane Sandy rolled through there was a regional gas crisis throughout NJ and NY (at least) because none of the gas stations had electricity and therefor, couldn't pump gas. The damage to the electical grid was so comprehensive it took weeks for many places to come back online. The few stations which remained open had hour long waits and would quickly pump their storage tanks dry. Rations were put in place where people were limited to 5 gallons and could only get gas on even/odd number days depending on their license plate number. These could be bypassed by slipping the gas station attendant a 20 though (NJ has mandatory gas station attendants lmao).

    Life pro tip on the subject: Never take old gas that's been in a shed for a year and put it in your car. That shit's got water in it, and as you burn it off, the gas in your tank will get more diluted until your engine doesn't even start.