
This is some body horror/zombie apocalypse shit

    3 months ago

    Those numbers are really not very scary. They sound like...pretty normal incarceration rates? And it's hard to say that the commies were big evilbads when their execution count is less than 250 people. I have a funny feeling those 250 or so folks were executed for something that rhymes with "Yahtzee collaboration."

    Just so, so much anti-communism is just completely ignoring context of everything. It's so easy to spot, and so frustrating how so few people in the west ever actually do.

      3 months ago

      IIRC Parenti covers this in Blackshirts and Reds. They were totally normal incarceration rates for globally recognized crimes.

      After the fall of the socialist nations in Europe, the new reactionary governments let a whole lot of prisoners go, under the ideological assumption that they were political prisoners. Of course it turns out they were mostly rapists, murderers, thieves, etc.

      3 months ago

      For the fun of it, I just checked current incarceration numbers. It is about a 20000/per year. To be fair Czech population was lower back then (although I am not sure if they are not counting Slovakia as well, as they were one country) but still just, 200000 is pretty low for 40 years of “totality”.

  • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
    3 months ago

    "Political prisoners" hits a lot different when you realize who their political enemies were

    3 months ago

    besides the weird dick out in the statues, this would be a pretty cool statue for the victims of shock therapy and reintroduction of capitalism to eastern europe tbf

    and those are rookie numbers, not even a mention of Stalin's big spoon

    3 months ago

    Surprise, surprise: the Czech government favours the Zionists over the Palestinians even though the Zionists have exterminated far more innocents within only six months than the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic did within four decades.

    On the bright side, at least the Czech ruling class isn’t trying to commemorate any Palestinians with an uncreative (and creepy) exhibition featuring several copies of No Name McGee with different chunks blown out of them. Anticommunist memorials are failures.