I’ve heard all the arguments, and will not be convinced otherwise. If you take actions that you know will not get you the win, but will give you second, you lack any real sense of manly honor and good sportsmanship.
The measurement system rewards you for literally losing the game, and if you take advantage of it, you don’t deserve the ranking you have, and I have nothing but scorn for you. You waste everyone’s time who actually wants to achieve something meaningful and improve their game. You’re not significantly different from a cheater. I’m to the point with this game and this community, that anyone who even reveals their rank is suspect, because it’s so prone to manipulation.
A bunch of people are going to jump in the comments to whine, to make vacuous points, to impugn my character, but I’d put my win rate against any of you. Except I won’t actually reveal my ranking, because so many of you cheat the ranking system that it means nothing anymore, and I don’t trust any of you. This community has a real problem with integrity and sportsmanship.
And no, I ain’t mad because I lost. I’ve lost more games than you’ve played total. And for most of you, I’ve won more games than you’ve played total. I respect when I’ve lost because I got legitimately out-generaled. But I loathe the fact that so many people are willing to take me out in a fashion where they literally cannot win, and are only playing for 2nd. We need to change the ranking system, but we wouldn’t need to change if if more of you played with honor, with some goddamn dignity.
Microcosm of everything that’s wrong with society. Take a long look in the mirror before you reply.