I have been a radical on laziness ever since I received my ADHD diagnosis (this was almost 10 years ago now.) It wasn't until just today that I found an explanation for WHY I felt this way about the word "lazy" and "laziness". This guy sums it up better than I ever could.

Nothing will send me into a rage more than hearing someone describe someone else as "lazy". I have zero filter on the subject. I have, and will continue to, lambaste people who genuinely express the notion that someone's problem is that they are simply "lazy". It's a weasel word. It's a thought terminating descriptor. It is the farthest from a materialist perspective you could have. People who genuinely believe in the concept of laziness are void of empathy, and need to be told such. Laziness is a bourgeois notion, used to trivialize your situation.

If you have been telling yourself that you are "lazy" or that your problems would just "go away" if you could just stop being so "lazy" I need you to understand something:

You are not lazy!

You are the product of your material conditions, this includes your social conditions. Changing those conditions is not a simple matter, but hopefully recognizing the root of your "laziness" can help you make moves to find more compatible conditions.