The only reason to get mad at someone calling you a bad leftist is if you think it might be true. People will absolutely prey on your insecurity to make themselves feel like their chronic posting habit is praxis. The solution is to not be insecure. Be humble, do honest self-critique. Don't let lonely people work out their frustrations on you. There is a difference between pipe-lining and emotional blackmail.

  • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
    2 years ago

    “Nice ableism you piece of shit.”

    Yeah I'm the one in the wrong for pointing out someone's ableism, and not the person being ableist. It's almost like reactionaries always show their true colors when pushed, and that I was right the whole time because when it came down to it, Ivy started throwing around ableist bullshit.

    • PowerOfGlove [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Her saying a mildly problematic line ("Go to therapy") after you had already directly insulted her several times doesn't retroactively make all that abuse you piled on her okay. Overall you acted very hostile and inappropriately with her. Combined with other behavior you've had with certain other users, you deserve some sort of punishment for it.

      Don't bother replying, I know how you get and am not interested.

      • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
        2 years ago

        im vewy sowwy, next time i will go "hey there friend, it appears you've done a heckin ableism. maybe try not doing that next time?"


        • PowerOfGlove [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Again, You're acting like you only started hurling insults after she said that, when by that point you had already said the 4 statements before "nice ableism you piece of shit".

          Overall you are not the victim of that interaction even tho you act like it.

            • PowerOfGlove [she/her]
              2 years ago

              Nowhere in her post did she call you anything even close to warranting the vile responses you gave her. At worst she said some vegan users (Didn't even mention your name or hint at you specifically) could be annoying in how they went about things.

              That didn't warrant your very 1st reply to be "fuck you", or proceeding to call her a piece of shit multiple times. Any other user likely would've been at the very least reprimanded for hostility. You majorly overreacted.

              • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
                2 years ago

                When someone tells you that your advocacy for oppressed groups is "annoying," fuck you is an appropriate response. That's how I'd respond to anyone saying something similar about racism or feminism.

                • PowerOfGlove [she/her]
                  2 years ago

                  Justify your behavior all you want, you weren't being a hero to anyone but yourself.


              • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
                2 years ago

                as a licensed mental health professional working with people with extreme trauma, I recognized immediately as a trauma response.

                If you were actually a licensed mental health professional, you would recognize that this is an extremely inappropriate thing to say to someone you don't know on the internet because you disagreed with them in an internet argument. I will be very disappointed if the mods let you get away with doubling down on this ableist bullshit.