Atari hired Steve Jobs for the night shift to code a video game. Jobs couldn't code shit so he tricked his friend Wozniak into creating a game called Breakout in 2 days by promising to split the pay. The pay was split when they turned in the protoype.
What Jobs didn't tell Wozniak was there was a bonus for getting the game done in less than 2 weeks (or some arbitrary amount of short time). The bonus was like $5k in 2022 dollars.
Jobs disappeared to Oregon for a month, blew all his money on drugs, tripped balls, and picked apples.
During his short tenure at Atari, Jobs was given the night shift (as I mentioned earlier) because he refused to shower. The night shift consisted of one person: Steve Jobs. Before Jobs, there was no night shift.
I used to be friends with a guy who seemingly had the same level of aversion to bathing as Steve Jobs and he always smelled like shit. Dude would wear work boots for days at a time and when he actually took them off would get emphatic pleas to put them back on. He was also banned from multiple houses because he left a lingering stench for days.
Atari hired Steve Jobs for the night shift to code a video game. Jobs couldn't code shit so he tricked his friend Wozniak into creating a game called Breakout in 2 days by promising to split the pay. The pay was split when they turned in the protoype.
What Jobs didn't tell Wozniak was there was a bonus for getting the game done in less than 2 weeks (or some arbitrary amount of short time). The bonus was like $5k in 2022 dollars.
Jobs disappeared to Oregon for a month, blew all his money on drugs, tripped balls, and picked apples.
During his short tenure at Atari, Jobs was given the night shift (as I mentioned earlier) because he refused to shower. The night shift consisted of one person: Steve Jobs. Before Jobs, there was no night shift.
I used to be friends with a guy who seemingly had the same level of aversion to bathing as Steve Jobs and he always smelled like shit. Dude would wear work boots for days at a time and when he actually took them off would get emphatic pleas to put them back on. He was also banned from multiple houses because he left a lingering stench for days.