At the grocery store I only see "MSG Free" labels on soy sauce, ramen, noodles, etc. but nothing for chips, burritos, burgers, etc.

I know there are people who dislike MSG, but the MSG scare was also racist scaremongering, and I wonder how many people think they dislike MSG because the media said Chinese food will kill them while gulping down a big mac and bag of doritos every day

  • sweepy [she/her,he/him]
    2 years ago

    MSG has a sinister effect on the brain making it believe that food tastes better

    Just cracking up at this sentence. It makes the brain "believe" that food tastes better. Did you know that you can trick your brain into thinking that your food is salty by putting salt in it? Next you'll be telling me that adding sugar to your food dupes your brain into thinking that you are consuming a source of energy.