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Israeli Woman casually says that she supports killing Gaza civilians

    6 months ago

    Zionist indoctrination of israeli children start in kindergarten. I think that is a big factor in making someone able to regurgitate genocidal rhetoric with a live-laugh-love smile on their face.

  • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
    6 months ago

    This is why re-education was invented. People like this are vile Nazis but if they can be re-educated into not being such virulent racists maybe one day they can contribute to the world instead of taking.

    • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
      6 months ago

      cereal1 "There'll never be a valid reason for re-education, it's too authoritaria-"


  • Dr.
    6 months ago

    I wholly admit my following comment may be ignorant or unintentionally sexist, and if so, please feel free to call me out on it.

    So far, I've been pretty shocked at how cold and callous Israeli women in general have been about the murder of civilians, and particularly children.

    Granted this is only based on video interviews or catured opinions, and surely not representative of a whole nation's woman population. Never the less, it's something that has struck me.

    • robinn_IV
      6 months ago

      The whole of Israeli society is geared towards the displacement and eradication of the Palestinian population. It's a settler-colony. These attitudes are present not just in most "Israeli" women, but most men as well.


      [from The Israel Democracy Institute in Jerusalem]

      • Dr.
        6 months ago

        I guess what I'm saying is I commonly observe women being the more empathetic party in situations involving casualties of war, etc. However in the case of current Israeli occupation, the women seem just as vicious and antipathetic.

        Again, maybe I'm just seeing what I want. Idk.