What would collective acts of grief look like? Entire processions marching in black? Vigils for those that died of covid? Twitter bots listing their bios and faces for each victim.

We can write entire books on the victims of 9/11 but we have the equivalent of 1 9/11 in victims every month or so and we shrug our shoulders.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    I think this isn't a bad messaging plan on its face. Periods of memorial and grief are routinely used to galvenize the public on particular issues.

    But it does have to lead somewhere or its just more spectacle. We've got enough Leftist Infighting without inventing new reasons to be outraged at one another for not Wearing the Leftist Poppy or queuing to cry over Lenin.

    Days of Grief as labor actions and protest, though. That could be good.