Decided to start up Elden Ring again after having a weird dream about a faith-caster build. Decided to go into RP mode to really discern my dude's path and he's leaning towards the Frenzy ending. Dude woke up, was told he'd have to kill demi-gods, found a prayerbook made out of the skin of a god that taught him Black Flame incantations that could supposedly kill a god. Those worked for awhile until he heard whispers, a frenzied voice if you will, and got into using the madness incantations (because Frenzied Burst is really strong and easy to aim). Yes the black flame is powerful, but this madness calls to him, something to not only kill a god, but end everything and start anew.

Anyway, here's the stats I think I'm doing ok as I am clearing shit, but I kinda wanna do more arcane for dragon shit idk.

Not really looking for advice, but feel free to give some. Or just share ER builds you like, or explain some ways to theorycraft a more intricate build. IDK whatever floats your boats.

  • comrade_pibb [comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    I picked elden ring back up to try to get through it. First run was a pure dex samurai and it got really boring by the end game

    This time through I picked samurai again, but I'm running an arcane bleed build with dragon communion seal

    It's a lot more fun once I decided to try out incantations, rotten breath absolutely rips