NGL I was NOT one of those pushing for the tag, although later it became really nice. Ya I'm a fucking "pick me" vegan. I'm sorry.

I use hexbear more than anything else now. And when I do rarely browse FB (lol I'm old), I see some friends post a pic of their seafood dinner. Holy fuck does it trigger me now. Not having to see dead animals is my normal, and I notice that I actually don't like seeing corpses regularly.

I'm tempted to create some jpg with "how to remove your vegan friends on from a Facebook post" and comment it when I see fucking murdered flesh on the internet. I get that it's a high drama thing to do and will probably ostracise me yet more from non vegan IRL friends. It's just frustrating to have to shelve my feelings on this.

Sorry to rant.

  • makotech222 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I didn't get into the vegan drama, but I will say I felt the same way about pronoun tags way back when they were first implemented. Can't imagine browsing a social media site without them now