• @Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    How much longer until we hit the "They are all nazis and we knew it from the beginning, that is why we didn't send troops" phase of cope?

    • @SadArtemis@lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      It's a repeat of the US/UK's previous galaxy brained scheme of saving the world from Nazis- first they fund and arm the Nazis in the hopes they'll destroy the Soviets/Russians, and then after the Nazis turn out predictably rabid, they'll pat themselves on the back for helping (or in this case, not helping) to get rid of them while Russia does all the real work. And same as last time, the Anglos will probably funnel all those nasty little Nazis to Argentina or Canada, and to cushy jobs in NATO once again when this is all over, too..

  • loathesome dongeater@lemmygrad.mlM
    3 months ago

    "godsend for Russian propagandists" this is such a wierd thing to focus that I don't know how to criticise it properly. Just don't write puff pieces on neo-Nazis if you are concerned about that.

  • culpritus [any]
    3 months ago

    Kyrylo Budanov is mentioned as the head of Ukr intelligence org (HUR). His wiki page mentions that he was fighting in Donbas in 2014, and that he was trained by the CIA.


    In 2014, he took part in the war in Donbas, where he was wounded several times and reportedly participated in a number of classified special military operations.

    According to The New York Times, Budanov was brought to the United States for treatment at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after being wounded in fighting in the Donbas.

    Budanov was one of the members of the elite Unit 2245 of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate trained by CIA.

    CIA loves their Ukr Nazis folks.

  • miz@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    So there ARE Nazis in Ukraine...

    the CIA's Operation Aerodynamic made sure of that

  • @Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    “Will you try to remain unbiased?” he asks. “It is a very funny position for you and your colleagues because you all have been trying hard to put us in a bad light for years. Neo-Nazis, racist, white supremacists, terrible guys, blah, blah, blah. And then the darkest hour in Ukraine’s modern day history arrives. And all of a sudden the eternal bad guys turn out to be brave, courageous, determined, stubborn and heroes. And they’re like, ‘damn, how should I write about them?’”

    Kapustin thoroughly savors his notoriety. “Throughout my life, I always wanted to be the Hollywood-style bad guy. Darth Vader is my ultimate inspiration. At the age of seven, I watched Star Wars, and was like, ‘wow this guy’s so cool,’” he says.

    Literal anime villain monologue.

    “We are now definitely a sizable force, possessing our own arms and vehicles, possessing our own mortars, heavy machine guns and artillery. RVC is not anymore a gang. It is a regiment. We have bases. We have our recruitment system,” Kapustin says.

    Make sure to vote for Joe Biden guys! I mean sure, he and his ilk have spent their entire careers helping build up Facist/Nazi death machines around the world, but surely, he will stop fascism in America. Right?

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I love the Freedom of Russia Legion saga. Their cross-border raids are some of the most pathetic footage out of the war, all to hold their WoW guild flag in front of some random house. All the while they post the cringiest propaganda for seemingly no audience. They had as much influence on the Russian elections as my dog and he fucking tried.

  • @ksdhf@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Compares himself to Clint Eastwood and Darth Vader, then later admits he can't explain his political views. This is what happens when you don't read books (Harry Potter doesn't count).