What are some good premium torrent sites for movies and tv? Do those still exist or is piratebay the main site?

  • Imprint9816@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 months ago

    What do you mean by premium? Not sure tpb was ever a "premium" torrent site.

    If your just looking for other torrent sites to use, check the megathread.

    • fortniteplaya@lemy.lol
      3 months ago

      By premium I mean invite only or some sort of fee for screened quality torrents, tpb was never but I just use it because I haven’t checked anything else in awhile.

      I’ll check out the megathread.

      • liliumstar@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 months ago

        Don't buy into any site requiring money. There are plenty of good private trackers run by community members. Once you join and get your feet, feel free to donate if they are doing a good job.