• Balkinbalkans [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It finally happened to me!

    I just got off the phone with my aunt, who called me in a huff when she heard from my mom that I'm not voting for Biden. She asked me why I wouldn't vote for him with the same tone you would use to ask someone why he shit his pants. She went off about how she's seen friends waste their votes on people like Ross Perot before, how I'm clearly just parroting "far-left talking points," how I'm going to be responsible for everything Trump does in his second term if he wins again, how only a landslide victory in the popular vote will be enough to keep Trump from going full dictator on election night. As if dictators ever gave a shit about votes in the first place?

    There was so much more I wanted to say, but she cut me off and said she would send me some "very persuasive articles" that she expects me to read by next week.

    Long story short, I want Biden to win at this point just so I can point out to her and all the other libshits in my life that Biden isn't any sort of solution. I've been hearing for months about how Nancy Pelosi is the brave leader of "the resistance" and how Elizabeth Warren was the smart choice from these people. They can all go fuck themselves.