• caveman@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I searched for the borders which will be recognized and didn't find anything.

    I have read that Hamas and PLA(O?) accepted to recognize 1967 borders (don't know if pre or post), but on social networks all Palestinians I asked said they want pre-1948 borders.

    I'm lost here.

    Can anyone provide a source on that?

    • We all want the 1948 borders, but we must be pragmatic for the time being. Even the 1967 borders would be a massive victory. Especially since East Jerusalem is something even the "moderate left" in Israeli politics aren't willing to compromise on.

      • caveman@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        I am reading the book "the Jewish paradox" from Nahum Goldmann, creator of the World Jewish Congress and ex president of World Zionist Congress.

        He says in 1948 many Jewish were against accepting the UN partition plan, but that he accepted it anyway (and was almost killed for that) because:

        1. they would never get this chance again

        2. they could use this Territory as a base do conquest all of Palestine at a later point in time

        So, I think it's a valid lesson to learn for arabs in the region: If you get an offer the future, don't reject it because it's not what you want, but see what use can you make of that on the future

        I know Palestinians learn about Gandhi, Che Guevara and others on school, and I recommend to also read the book above, and also books written by architects of Israel (Ben Gurion and Theodor Herzl)

        There's a lot you can learn from them to help you

        I have also read "Road to Mecca" from Leopold Weiss/Muhammad Assad and he said that in 2nd or 1st world war Algeria (or another Magreb country, can't remember) was having lots of military/weaponry help from England against Italy, but due to a promise of the Turkish president (or highest leader) was convinced to attack England.

        The attack was clearly against Islamic laws and against Algerian Alliance with England, but they trusted the Turkish president on his promised support just because he was Muslim.

        Result: the Turkish president never followed ok his promise, England stopped helping, and Algeria got devastated.

        Lesson: don't trust people just because they claim to be from your religion.


        • Obviously Israel, the US, France and Britain have exploited these rifts, but the whole post Ottoman Empire period has shown how unified the West Asian people have been but sadly how corrupt and self-serving the leadership in the region has been.

  • D61 [any]
    5 months ago

    ...recognition once peace initiative with Israel...

    uh oh...