Elsewhere, the first viable fusion reactor could be completed in the United States as soon as 2025, and a British company hopes to be commercially generating electricity from fusion by 2030.
a British company hopes to be commercially generating electricity from fusion by 2030
Expecting this to go the same way as Lucas, a Bri*ish company that made lights for cars/motorcycles/bikes/etc and became popularly known as "Lucas the prince of darkness" because their products would just not stop failing lmao
Is uhhh is this good for bitcoin?
yeah and I hope to be emperor of the galaxy by 2030. come the fuck on Britain you're not fooling anyone
Lol England is going to be generating fire from sheep dung in 2030.
we know who's going to get that sweet sweet lunar helium-3 first :xi-beard:
:xigma-male: :hex-moon:
:xibe-check: :hex-moon:
:hex-moon: :xi-reactionary-spotted: Who cut the cheese?
Expecting this to go the same way as Lucas, a Bri*ish company that made lights for cars/motorcycles/bikes/etc and became popularly known as "Lucas the prince of darkness" because their products would just not stop failing lmao
Bri*ish manufacturing
Look, if everything you own was not made by a sexually repressed bearded man in a garden shed, how would you even live?
New site header
Lmao thanks, I'm flattered