Note: The Hexbear People's Committee is an RPG/LARP and has no bearing on anything outside of being a "Model UN" style simulation of a political party.

Voting on HPC Resolution 001-1 isn't closed yet, but it looks like it will pass, so in the interest of "getting this show on the road" I'm going to open discussion on the initial topics from the "schedule" section of that resolution. If there is a last second wave of "Don't Pass" votes, this will all be deleted and the revolutionary cause will be dead.

It passed yay!

I think it's best to focus on roles over the resolution process, but the two are intertwined so there is discussion to be had on both. Hopefully we can get these section drafted into a Resolution as soon as tomorrow to be put for a vote.

A side-topic is to nominate names for the Party that we should start considering.

  • hexbear_partisan [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I definitely understand your mindset as we work through this, Comrade @Grimble, party infiltration and wrecking were things that Comrade @LiberalSocialist discussed in both of your most recent replies. From my perspective, I think it's worth taking a step back and examining the conditions under which the Party will exist:

    In contrast to many of the movements of the past which might inspire us, our small online territory is nearly unanimously neutral or friendly to our cause. The Hexbearians (??) are relatively content to be under the leadership of the "benevolent council" (aka "admins"), and it seems to be working out so far. It is key to acknowledge that the rulers of our environment are not in opposition to our Party as they are in so many other places (whether historically, current, online or offline). How fortunate this is for us! I can only imagine that security forces of the BC (mods) would clear out explicit expressions of reactionary sentiment during a Party vote or discussion for us, would they not?

    My inspiration for leading the effort to create this party is not that there are reactionary elements on Hexbear that must be defeated (certainly "quelled" to the extent that they may exist, but it's already a nominally communist website/territory). I think that it's time to give ourselves a voice! Let's experiment with the democratic process to bring our humble territory of to something more than a simple shitposting corner of the internet!

    • LiberalSocialist [any,they/them]
      2 years ago

      That is a brilliant observation, comrade. I agree wholeheartedly. Let us let the Benevolent Council and their security enforcers deal with reactionary forces for the time being, while we gather allies and resources.