So historically it seems to me that decolonization of settler colonies such as Algeria and Zimbabwe involved the uprising of the majority indigenous population against a minority (although sometimes sizable), and typically the deportation of settlers and/or white flight. I know that most indigenous decolonialists in settler colonies like Canada and the US don't seek to deport settlers, but obviously revolution requires numbers to work. That said I think further questions on how a decolonial revolution in a settler colony could play out is beyond the scope of this community.

Also bonus question: in regards to slave rebellions, which were successful without having an overwhelming majority of the state being slaves? I'm under the impression that is a key reason why the reason American rebellions failed while Haiti was successful.

Okay thanks, hope these aren't weird questions.

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Ultimately its all a matter of timescale, its possible we might decolonize in the future but who knows what will cause it. Might just be simple as a climate breakdown of society making it beyond difficult for pale people to survive in such sunny tumultuous environments. If the climate forces us to be outside and not use AC all the time, that is. Theres a reason the South, Australia, and other sunny settler colonial areas were so low population. Nonstop burning.

    Personally I just don't think white people should be anywhere thats too sunny and thats a majority of North America, like its an actual medical detriment if you are pale, huge risk of skin cancer. Very few places have UV ratings that are very good for pale people and as climate changes shits gonna get weirder. I've even read some paradoxical reports that the American Southeast will become very good for pale people because it is going to suddenly become very cloudy all the time there.