I was holding in a pee for a few hours because I wasn’t allowed to leave another “vitally important” work meeting, i would occasionally signal to my boss who was two seats down if i could use the restroom and he would just shake his head and return to reading his syllabus or focusing on the person talking. I then told my coworker sat next to me “i need to pee” but they thought i was jesting and they giggled a bit and focused on the seminar, “I’m serious i need to pee” and i got no response, boss looks over at me angry “you’re gonna get me in trouble” my coworker said, i made a fart noise with my mouth which i tried to make quiet but it was fairly loud and the person doing the presentation kinda stopped for a minute and let out a loud “ummm” i then started coughing and said “excuse me” in my normal pitch. Boss gives me another glance and looks angry, i shrug it off and whisper “i need to peee!” He wafts his hand signaling me to leave, i say “excuse me” and then rush out. Once im out i run to the bathroom and then start to pee. I didn’t make it in time so i soiled my pants a bit in my attempt to get my cock out and also peed on the floor a bit, i felt like a rat because they pee everywhere. I came back to the meeting but the door was locked, i kept jiggling the door and i signalled to someone inside to let me in. Boss comes over “meet me in my office, we’re nearly done here”

I go to bosses office and when he comes back he tells me to clear my desk