
  • Cromalin [she/her]
    9 months ago

    nah, they're different. kafka isn't that good a villain anyways, sephiroth is better because he's lame as hell

    • Dessa [she/her]
      9 months ago

      Everything FF7 does well, FF6 did better, including villains

      • Cromalin [she/her]
        9 months ago

        i really don't think so. this isn't nostalgia or anything, i didn't play either until i was an adult. if nothing else midgar is a way better opening to the game than ff6's, that's something i won't budge on

        • Dessa [she/her]
          9 months ago

          Okay, fair. That FF7 opening was solid.

          But I think the sound samples in FF7 were inferior to SNES MIDI at the time, the polygon graphics were still in a baby state that didn't hold up as well as late 16bit spritework, and the 4-member parties opened up a bit of flexibility in playstyle.

          Also, the minigames in FF6 were integrated so well into the main gameplay loop (aside from a few POV sequences that never really worked).

          The story was a bit more cohesive too. With FF7, the story kinda falls apart after the loss of Aeris. FF6 took this portion (in the World of Ruin) to allow you to pursue character arcs to their endpoints but FF7 doesn't handle itself well one the rails are off.

          To me, ff7 was a remarkable achievement in the advancement of next-gen RPG development, and probably the peak of the golden age in terms of cultural impact, but it was a bridge between eras rather than peak final fantasy

          • Cromalin [she/her]
            9 months ago

            i don't have strong opinions on the sound samples, and i do mostly prefer the sprites. but those prerendered backgrounds are gorgeous, i really love them

            and i like the ff7 minigames about as much as the ff6 ones, though i totally get where you're coming from

            • Dessa [she/her]
              9 months ago

              Stumbled on this just a minute ago.

              Here are a pair of FF7 songs in an SNES soundfont compared to PS original:

              Dear to the heart:
              Original PSX: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ixw3nFcQkzI

              The high-pitched vibes that kick in are the most glaring issue with the FF7 version. They're piercing and out of balance.

              Tifa's Theme:
              Original PSX:

              This one actually might sound better on PSX at first, but then the melody kicks in and the flute sounds cheap and robotic in the original.

              The original compositions were classic Uematsu approaching his absolute peak, but the PSX soundfont overall feels clipped and has cloying overtones.

              I wish I could say I like the Remake versions better, but IMO Hamauzu does too much. Here's that version if you care to hear it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=seewVC9uwr4&pp=ygULdGlmYXMgdGhlbWU%3D

              Granted, that game has a different vibe, so maybe it fits there, but the mood in this cover feels hopeful and revelatory, whereas the Uematsu arrangement is lonely and bittersweet. Hamauzu uas always been better with atmospheric soundtracks as opposed to thematic ones.